Comic Cover Corner | Ghost Rider
"Ghost Rider" #16 (Feb. 1976) | cover art by Bob Brown. It's still shark week. Do you think Marvel was trying to take advantage of the popularity of Jaws the summer before this issue hit the newstands? via COC
Comic Cover Corner | Ghost Rider
Israel "Reefa" Hernandez Tribute Art
Some of the art popping up in tribute to Israel Hernandez isn't what you'd consider "P.C." but it's an emotional time - and when you see so little justice being doled out these days what we're seeing should come as no surprise. Very sad that it's come to this.
Israel "Reefa" Hernandez Tribute Art
R.I.P. Israel Hernandez | Skater & Artist Tasered to Death by Miami Police Department Over Graffiti Art
And so if the world didn't need any more proof that Florida is the absolute dregs of modern society we get this story: Skateboarder and popular Miami-area artist Israel Hernandez (only 18 years of age) has been murdered by the Miami police department via taser for the unspeakable heinous atrocity of graffiting an abandoned McDonald's building at 5 a.m. this past Tuesday morning. In my various tweets, blogs and dialogues I have been critical of CNN in the past - I have to give them some credit however for actually having enough integrity to run a piece on this upsetting...
R.I.P. Israel Hernandez | Skater & Artist Tasered to Death by Miami Police Department Over Graffiti Art
Andy Warhol Digitally Paints Debbie Harry in 1985 Graphic design has certainly come a long way. Check out Andy Warhol using a Commodore Amiga 1000 at to paint Debbie Harry at the Amiga press release news conference in 1985. via OC
Andy Warhol Digitally Paints Debbie Harry in 1985
Cyrcle's Struggle of Nations in Lisbon
Cyrcle recently finished this work in Lisbon, Portugal in cooperation with The Underdogs Project. Called "The Struggle Of Nations," a "cabellors y indios" theme is depicted in a vintage newsprint/comic book style and would appear to be calling attention to the mass murder and genocides commited by "civilized" nations of the west perpetrated against the indigenous peoples of the New World - a matter of history that looms large in the collective conscious of these western nations. Hence, the struggle. It should also be noted that many of the indigenous tribes and peoples of the Americas were regionally and collectively...
Cyrcle's Struggle of Nations in Lisbon
Comic Cover Corner | The Phantom
"The Phantom" #1 (July 1992) | cover art by Mike Higgs In honor of "Shark Week," it's the first issue of Wolf Publishing's rebooting of the classic crimefighter. via CBC
Comic Cover Corner | The Phantom
Nychos Orca in Brooklyn
Recently we featured a work by Nychos which depicted a tiger jumping out of its skin. Nychos is back, this time with an orca jumping out its skin - but keep your eyes peeled, there seems to be a political statement being made in this work. Not that there wasn't one with his tiger, it just seems more evident in the orcas piece - as in the digestive tract of the killer whale is a pocket full of pollution. Have to love the embedded 666 included in said pollution. Look for this mural on Tutu's at 25 Bogart St. in...
Nychos Orca in Brooklyn
Andy Warhol & Jean-Michel Basquiat Filmed for State of the Art
From the final episode of "State of the Art," a 1985-86 UK Channel 4 documentary series it's Andy Warhol and his "discovery" Jean-Michel Basquiat being filmed together over something dangerously unconscionable in the art world: Each has defaced a piece of each other's own art. A bold statement by both artists to be sure, but one can't help but wonder if the idea all came from the decadent genius Andy Warhol to begin with? It's not like aged old Andy would have had a chance of bedding and defiling a Jean-Michel Basquiat like he may have been able to pull...
Andy Warhol & Jean-Michel Basquiat Filmed for State of the Art
Smithe's New York Reflected On a Wall in Bushwick
Mexico City's Smithe recently arrived in Brooklyn to produce this monumental work. via SAN | JUX