Planet Rock: The Story of Hip Hop and the Crack Generation The full and complete documentary narrated by Ice T.

Planet Rock: The Story of Hip Hop and the Crack Generation

The new Wilhelm scream?

The new Wilhelm scream?

Sunday School | Urban Struggle (1981) This documentary from 1981 looks at the legendary club Cuckoo's Nest in Costa Mesa California.

Sunday School | Urban Struggle (1981)

Something to Look Forward to | Reincarnated The official Snoop Lion documentary, documenting Snoop's transformation while in Jamaica, gets its widespread release this spring. via: FDR

Something to Look Forward to | Reincarnated

Essential Viewing | Dirty Hands The Art & Crimes of David Choe

David Choe is now world famous due to his net worth which exceeds over 200 million after opting for stock options as payment from facebook for some work he did for them - is one of the more fascinating figures in the contemporary street & urban art scene. Dirty Hands: The Art & Crimes of David Choe is a San Diego Asian Film Festival Grand Jury Prize award winner takes an interesting, and often times hilarious, look at the tumultuous life and times of David before he ever struck it rich.

Essential Viewing | Dirty Hands The Art & Crimes of David Choe

a Jacques & Xander short film | Electrotastic Fashion, nudity and x-ray vision - a pure gem of a short. via WA

a Jacques & Xander short film | Electrotastic

The Danish Film Institute’s presents Cuban Film Poster Art

The Danish Film Institute has collected a number of Cuban film posters from the past 50 years. You can check them all out on their flickr page. It's an amazing collection of artwork which has very rarely, if ever, had an opportunity to be seen here in America.

The Danish Film Institute’s presents Cuban Film Poster Art

Modern Masterpiece | “Luvvbazaar” by SSION Music Video

Even I have to admit this latest SSION music video is nothing short of a masterpiece. It’s visual and choreographed aesthetic is a throwback to old pop/r&b music videos that used to actually get played on MTV in the 80s on one hand, while maintaining it’s very own contemporary visual & choreographed style on the other. These would include a ramped up theme of homo eroticism, a David Lynch-esque conclusion and a very interesting detour I’ve never seen any other previous music video take before. The track itself echoes the same haunting dichotomy present in the visuals… and it’s...

Modern Masterpiece | “Luvvbazaar” by SSION Music Video

I Beat Mike Tyson

In 2005, an unknown Irish boxer beat Mike Tyson in front of hundreds of thousands of people. Then he disappeared. Filmmaker Joshua Z Weinstein rediscovers boxer Kevin McBride, raising his children in a gritty Boston suburb. Kevinʼs body is deteriorating, yet he compulsively continues to fight. This lyrical film finds a boxer at the end of his career – engaging in the Sisyphean task that is his life. via

I Beat Mike Tyson

Weekend Retrospective | The 'Real' Voice of Vigo

Ghostbusters II will probably go down as the greatest film ever whose main antagonist was a painting. The painting was of "Vigo the Carpathian," as portrayed by legendary German wrestler/boxer/pimp and actor Wilhem von Homburg (0ther than his role of Vigo, American audiences will remember Wilhelm as one of the terrorists who take over Nakatomi Plaza in the original Die Hard). But of course it is Max von Sydow's voice that you hear when Vigo speaks in the film. Much to Wilhelm's dismay his performance had been dubbed over (he reportedly stormed out of a cast and crew screening...

Weekend Retrospective | The 'Real' Voice of Vigo

Punisher the Real Dope Homie X-men baby stuff homes, all their costumes and powers ain't shit. Punisher the real dope homie.

Punisher the Real Dope Homie