Trill Shit | Frank Costello Dodged a Bullet at the Majestic

Famous for its skyline and prime location on Central Park West, the Majestic was home to some of N.Y.C.'s most famous and infamous denizens. Find out what happened when resident and crime boss Frank Costello had a violent brush at the luxury high rise during the 1950s. via VF

Trill Shit | Frank Costello Dodged a Bullet at the Majestic

Trill Shit | Thug Notes on Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four

Let Sparky Sweets, Ph.D, break down George Orwell's dystopian novel concerning centralized authority and totalitarianism on 'dat ass. Nineteen Eighty-Four gets explicated like it never has before. via TN

Trill Shit | Thug Notes on Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four

Trill Shit | Thug Notes presents The Catcher in the Rye

I can't wait for the Thug Notes edition of PK Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? via TWBE

Trill Shit | Thug Notes presents The Catcher in the Rye