The Clueless Gamer | Conan Plays Atari 2600 Classics
Check out Conan O'Brien in the latest episode, a vintage edition, of "Clueless Gamer." Conan goes old school with the Atari 2600. via DVR
The Clueless Gamer | Conan Plays Atari 2600 Classics
Weekend Retrospective | May '02 Attack of the Clones Premiere
It's been eleven years since the release of Star Wars ep. II: Attack of the Clones in May of 2002. Back in those days of yore we had not as of yet invaded Iraq, Facebook hadn't been invented and "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" on NBC was a staple of after-midnight-TV viewing. One of Conan's great regular segments was when he'd unleash longtime friend and collaborator Robert Smigel and his hand puppet "Triumph the Insult Dog" on groups of unsuspecting humanoids. So before being a nerdy Star Wars geek was cool long lines of fanboys & girls waiting for the...