Bonafide Icon Summer Tees
New summer tees just came in from Bonafide Icon. Inspired from baseball, basketball and boxing, Bonafide Icon kills it as usual. Available now in store and online.
Bonafide Icon Summer Tees
Graduation Sale
We know High School isn't the easiest thing to get through. Because of that, we want to reward those that put in the hard work over the years to graduate. Bring in your High School diploma and picture ID to prove it's your diploma from now until July 31st and get 10% off your entire purchase. This offer is only good for in-store purchases.
Graduation Sale
New at the Shop: Decks & Kicks
We have been getting a lot of new items in at the shop lately. Here are a few highlights. Newly released for the summer decks from Real, Chocolate decks, Nike SBs in select styles and sizes, Globe sneakers, and not pictured here: New for the summer Spitfire wheels and Bones bearings.
New at the Shop: Decks & Kicks
P2 Test Day With David Gravette
David Gravette puts his new pro-model Creature P2 deck to the test.
P2 Test Day With David Gravette
P2 Test Day With Al Partanen
Al Partanen puts the new Creature P2 skateboards to the test. Test them out for yourself, we just got a few at the shop.
P2 Test Day With Al Partanen
Decks, Caps & Shades
New arrivals just came in from Creature, Flip and Independent. Included are some P2 decks, shades for the upcoming beat-down by the sun this summer, Starter snapbacks and some other miscellaneous accessories.
Decks, Caps & Shades
Melo State of Mind (New Tee from Whoami?)
The latest offering from the creative minds over at Whoami? Clothing Brand has hit the rack at our shop. Celebrating the arrival of Carmelo Anthony to the Knicks in the royal blue and orange colorway. Available now online or in-store at our Queens shop.
Melo State of Mind (New Tee from Whoami?)
Too Many Men at Astoria Park
Check this well done video showing off the new skate park in Astoria underneath the RFK (Triborough) Bridge. via The Green Diamond
Too Many Men at Astoria Park
Tokidoki x Marvel
Tokidoki has collaborated with Marvel and recently released a large line of items including New Era fitteds, Tees, Zip-Ups and Skate decks. The fitteds are particularly nice with a two-tone color scheme featuring great illustration from a wide-selection of Marvel superheros and supervillains and with attention being paid to the underside of the brim. Lots of pics after the jump. Here are our picks from this collection but for the complete line be sure to visit Tokidoki's site.
Tokidoki x Marvel
DTV Shredder Part skateboard, part tank, part segway. Can get as fast as 30 mph. Just in time for Christmas. You can be one of the first owners of the DTV Shredder by visiting BPG.